Recently, I
was forwarded a letter sent to all Webb School parents by
headmaster Scott Hutchinson. The excerpts below have been used with his permission:
"It is an increasingly
common observation among educators and employers that this upcoming generation
lacks the 'grit' to be a powerful and positive force in the workplace of
tomorrow. By most accounts, this is true in large part because our children in
general have not experienced, and worked themselves through, failure in various
scenarios throughout their lives. They have not heard enough nor successfully
processed enough constructive criticism to fully develop or participate in the
critique process inherent in the workplace where they will spend the bulk of
their careers."
Hutchinson's ideas echo Madeline Levine, author of the 2012 publication, Teach Your Children Well: Parenting for Authentic Success. In her book, Levine points out that college admissions counselors describe today's students as "'failure deprived'" (184). She goes on to assert that giving children opportunities to develop resilience--a non-cognitive skill--contributes far more to their overall success than focusing only on intellectual development.
But in order for a child to develop resilience, s/he has to fail first. Which, as Hutchinson points out, can be hard for parents to tolerate:
a child from any type of crisis or failure is so easy for me to recognize
because I am so guilty of this as a parent. I am only now understanding how
often I shortcut an important process by bailing my child out when a storm is
on the horizon. . . . [M]any of us, when we are not fully
thinking through the long-term consequences of our actions but just trying to
ease the short-term discomfort of our child, find ourselves stepping into an
equation that would best be served without us."
The tendency for parents to shield our children from the unpleasantness that accompanies failure can be well-intentioned. No one wants her child to be discouraged. And allowing her to experience such feelings is often seen as poor parenting.
But I'd argue that it's not.
In fact, I wonder whether making a habit of rescuing a child from failure--a practice I'll call over-parenting--may be a primary contributor to many of the problems our children face today. Problems like apathy, low confidence, entitlement.
And a lack of resilience, which our children desperately need.
Hutchinson acknowledges that stepping back as a parent isn't just counterintuitive; it's downright hard, and he admits his own struggle to do so.
"I am guilty as charged, and
knowing what I should do . . . and having the discipline to do it may
still be a ways off."
Obviously, it takes grit to help children develop grit.
But our willingness to do just that--to step back, to stop overparenting, to sacrifice the time and energy it takes to allow children to strengthen their resilience muscles--this may be one of the most powerful ways we will equip them to become self-sufficient, competent, and confident individuals.
[by Anne Lowry Pharr, gritology moderator]
Work Cited
Levine, Madeline. Teach Your Children Well: Parenting for Authentic Success. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2012.
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